
OpenTech 2020

Online from June


Offer a talk


Mailing List

Past: '17, '15, '13, '11, '10, '09, '08, '05

Want to offer a talk?

We're very much "Open" to suggestions for additional talks. presentations, discussion panels or technology demonstrations.

We'll be trying to fit in as many talks (and lightning presentations) as possible, so the shorter you can make yours, the better (15 minutes is good for a talk; workshops can be up to 2 hours). Alternatively, if you have an idea for a panel discussion, or a tutorial or workshop, or anything else that's vaguely in keeping with the theme of the event, then we also can't wait to hear from you. Remember, stories and experience mean your talk is more likely to be remembered.

There will be a data projector for your talk, taking standard SVGA input. We will make a laptop available with powerpoint/keynote if needed, but please let us know - if you are doing a demo, a local demo running off your own laptop is preferred to reduce complexity. We will attempt to offer an internet connection in the venue, but the wireless invariably breaks. If you absolutely need one, you must say so below. We can't offer a fee for talks, and if you require support for travel expenses, you must say so below.

We'll aim to notify everyone who's submitted a proposal by March 30th. Some talks will be accepted at various points before the closing date as the shape of the programme forms and focus emerges.

You can email the organisers at opentech @ with questions which aren't answered in the Call for participation, but please submit talks/sessions using this form (so we can find them again). We send you a copy of your submission so you see it was submitted.

Your Name required
Your Email address required
Phone number: In case we need to contact you on the day
Talk title
Talk description
(200 words, ish, public)
This will be published on the site for anyone wishing to find out more.
Talk length
Speaker description
(Any particular reason why you want to give the talk? 100 words, ish, private)
Any special needs
Require internet access Remember, internet access is not guaranteed. Tick this box only if you absolutely require it.

Some talks will be recorded for later download from the web. If you do not wish to be recorded, check this box

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